Interferential Therapy (IFT) for Back Pain

Interferential Therapy (IFT) is a kind of therapy in which electrical currents are passed through the back for relief. The therapist will attach electrodes to your skin in the places where your pain originates. Electrical currents pass through your body, stimulating nerves and muscles. This action helps reduce pain and relax the muscles.

Interferential Therapy (IFT)  is the most general treatment of backache, which may be caused by any muscular cramp or due to an injury. It is a natural technique that does not involve medicines or surgery. Sometimes during the procedure, you will experience tingling feelings; generally, however, this treatment is comfortable. 

The therapist can adjust the intensity of the currents based on your feeling of comfort. Generally speaking, these sessions last approximately 20 to 30 minutes, and you usually need multiple sessions before you see significant improvement.

Many patients report that with regular IFT, their pain reduces and walking becomes easier. Such an approach isn't targeted at any single modality of therapy but may be combined with other therapies, including physiotherapy and exercises.

If you are experiencing some low back discomfort, then IFT may be something to consider. You need to seek the advice of a health care provider for its inclusion in your treatment and options in pain management.

At Physiotattva we work with state-of-the-art facilities that make IFT a cutting-edge treatment plan, where our team of experts explains its benefits, and why it’s becoming a popular choice for those struggling with chronic back pain. Learn how Interferential Therapy for Back Pain can fit into your treatment plan and help you regain comfort and mobility.

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Understanding Back Pain

Back pain happens when something in your spine, muscles, or nerves gets irritated or injured. It can make daily activities hard and uncomfortable. Treatments like physical therapy, medications, or exercises, including Interferential therapy for back pain, help by reducing pain, improving strength, and restoring movement. 

Understanding what causes your back pain is the first step in finding the right treatment. Different methods, such as Interferential Therapy for Back Pain, target the specific issues causing your pain, helping you get back to your normal activities.

Common Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain symptoms include aching, sharp pains, stiffness, or limited movement and can occur over some time or at times of injury. Pain when you sit for long hours, and reduced mobility in the shoulder or arms which results in radiating pain are some common symptoms. In some cases, you may feel a pulsating pain in the lower back.

Common Causes of Back Pain

Reasons for strained muscles and herniated disks and spinal stenosis normally cause back pain. It can lead to a lot of pain in the back and restricted motion, resulting in this condition. 

Muscle Strain

Muscle strain in your back happens when muscles get stretched or torn, often from lifting something heavy or moving awkwardly. This strain causes pain and stiffness. Treatments like rest, physical therapy, and gentle exercises can help the muscles heal. 

Interferential Therapy for back pain (IFT) can also reduce pain and muscle tension by using electrical currents.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner part of a spinal disc pushes through its outer layer, pressing on nearby nerves. This causes pain, numbness, or weakness. Herniated discs occur

when there is stress on the spine due to physical activities or in cases of illnesses that reduce bone density.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis happens when the spaces in your spine narrow, putting pressure on the nerves. This causes pain, tingling, or numbness in your back and legs. Interferential Therapy for Back Pain can help manage these symptoms as it is designed to work by reducing nerve pressure, improving flexibility, and strengthening the muscles around your spine.


Osteoporosis occurs when the bones become less dense and fragile which weakens bones. It may result in back pain if the bones of your spine become affected.


Arthritis in the spine causes joint inflammation, leading to pain and stiffness. It can make moving your back difficult. Treatments like physical therapy, medication, and exercises help manage arthritis by reducing inflammation and improving joint function. Interferential Therapy (IFT) can also relieve pain by relaxing muscles and improving blood flow. 

Diagnosing Back Pain

Doctors use physical exams, imaging tests, and your medical history to understand what’s wrong and where it hurts the most. They look for issues like muscle strain, herniated discs, or arthritis

Doctors may use a combination of X-rays, Blood tests and MRI scans to arrive at the right diagnosis. Each of these is important as it provides information on the bone status, and any chronic illnesses or injuries to muscle and tendons.

What is Interferential Therapy for Back Pain?

Interferential Therapy (IFT) uses electrical currents to treat pain, especially for the back. The therapist places electrodes on your skin, targeting the painful area. The currents pass through the body, stimulating nerves and muscles. 

This process helps reduce pain and relax muscles. IFT is non-invasive and doesn’t involve medication. It’s often used alongside other treatments like physical therapy.

Overview of Interferential Therapy for Back Pain 

IFT stands for Interferential Therapy. IFT is a pain-relieving therapy that uses electrical currents to help relieve pain and relax muscles. The therapist puts electrodes on your skin close to where the pain site is. 

The currents travel through the body, stimulating nerves and muscles. Overall, these have the effect of reducing pain, blood flow, and muscle tension of constricted muscles. Applications include back pain and all kinds of disorders related to them. 

This is a non-invasive treatment and is safe; it might improve your mobility and reduce pain.

The Science Behind Interferential Therapy for Back Pain 

The science behind IFT physiotherapy treatment lies in its ability to target specific areas without causing discomfort, making it a safe and effective method for managing various types of pain. 

The method uses electric currents that are similar to the ones generated by your body to help in the healing process. This mimicry helps in quickening the healing process by stimulating the muscles and tendons. 

How Interferential Therapy for Back Pain Works ?

IFT physiotherapy treatment works for back pain management by using electrical currents to stimulate nerves and muscles. The currents reduce pain signals and help muscles relax. This process decreases muscle tension, improves blood flow, and promotes healing. 

Benefits of Interferential Therapy for Back Pain

Interferential Therapy for back pain (IFT) works by using electric pulses or currents on the area of pain to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the region. This process is helpful as it recreates the body's process of healing, through electric pulses that reduce pain signals which can lead to muscle relaxation.

Reduced Inflammation

IFT physiotherapy treatment provides pain relief and reduces inflammation by sending electrical currents through the affected area. These currents interfere with pain signals, reducing their intensity. They also help relax muscles and increase blood flow, which reduces inflammation. 

This combination of effects helps decrease discomfort and swelling, making it easier to move and perform daily activities. IFT is often used to manage chronic pain and inflammation without the need for medications.

Improved Blood Circulation and Healing

The currents used in Interferential therapy for back pain help dilate blood vessels, increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This increased circulation supports the body’s natural healing processes, helping to repair damaged tissues faster.

Reduction of Edema and Hematoma

IFT reduces edema (swelling) and hematoma (bruising) by improving circulation and promoting fluid movement in the affected area. The electrical currents help decrease fluid buildup by stimulating blood flow and lymphatic drainage. 

This process helps reduce the size of the swelling and speeds up the reabsorption of bruised blood.

Enhanced Muscle Relaxation and Function

IFT helps with muscle relaxation and improves function by sending electrical currents into the muscles. These currents help muscles relax, reducing tightness and spasms. When muscles are relaxed, they work better and cause less pain. 

Increased Range of Motion

Interferential Therapy for Back Pain flushes the muscles to draw away the stiffness within, relieving one of distress and discomfort. Tension reduction in pain allows the muscles and joints to feel free, to move effortlessly. 

The currents used in Interferential Therapy for Back Pain stimulate the nerves and muscles in action to portray their potential release and stretch better. As a result, bending, twisting, and many other movements become less painful and easier to make. 

Non-Invasive and Safe Treatment

IFT is a non-invasive treatment, meaning it doesn’t require surgery or needles. The therapist places electrodes on your skin, and the electrical currents do the work. It’s safe because it doesn’t involve breaking the skin or using medications. 

You feel a tingling sensation, but it’s generally comfortable. IFT can be used for different types of pain, including back pain, without the risks associated with invasive procedures. It’s a good option for managing pain naturally.

Types of Interferential Therapy for Back Pain 

There are different types of IFT used to treat back pain, each with a specific focus. Each type aims to reduce pain and improve muscle function, but they work at different depths and are chosen based on the specific pain condition being treated.

Traditional IFT for Back Pain

Traditional Interferential Therapy for Back Pain uses two electrical currents that intersect within the body to create a therapeutic effect. The therapist places electrodes on the skin around the painful area. The intersecting currents target deep tissues, helping to reduce pain and muscle tension. 

This method is effective for chronic or deep-seated back pain, as it reaches areas that other treatments might not. It’s commonly used in physical therapy to manage long-term back pain..

Premodulated IFT for Back Pain

Premodulated Interferential Therapy for Back Pain uses a single, modulated electrical current instead of two intersecting ones. This type is often used for treating more surface-level pain or when traditional Interferential Therapy for Back Pain might be too intense. The therapist adjusts the current to suit the specific pain area, targeting it directly.

Amplitude-Modulated IFT for Back Pain

Amplitude-modulated Interferential Therapy for Back Pain adjusts the strength of the electrical current to suit your needs. The current’s intensity changes throughout the session, helping to reach different depths of muscle and tissue. 

This variation can make the treatment more comfortable and effective, especially for areas with complex pain patterns. 

Vector IFT for Back Pain

Vector Interferential Therapy for Back Pain for back pain uses a rotating electrical current that targets pain from different angles. This technique helps reach areas that might be difficult to treat with regular IFT. 

The changing direction of the current can more effectively address complex or widespread pain by covering a broader area. It’s like moving the pain relief around to where it’s needed most. This approach can be especially useful for back pain that doesn’t stay in one spot.

Treatment Parameters of Interferential Therapy for Back Pain

Treatment parameters in IFT physiotherapy treatment for back pain include settings like frequency, intensity, and duration. These parameters are adjusted based on your specific pain and response to therapy. The frequency controls how fast the electrical currents pulse, while the intensity adjusts how strong those pulses feel.

Frequency Settings

Different types of frequency settings are used in Interferential therapy for back pain  to cater to different purposes. Pain-Relieving Frequencies work around the pain itself, hence helping reduce discomfort. 

Muscle Stimulation Frequencies work on muscle relaxation and contraction to make the muscles function properly. Vasodilatation Frequencies encourage healing and reduce inflammation through increased blood circulation.

Intensity of Current

The intensity of the current in IFT is adjusted based on your comfort and the depth of pain. Determining Current Intensity involves finding the right strength of electrical pulses for effective relief. Duration of Treatment refers to how long each session lasts, usually between 20 to 30 minutes.

Electrode Placement

Electrode placement in IFT physiotherapy treatment is crucial for effective treatment. The therapist places the electrodes on your skin around the painful area. Proper placement ensures that the electrical currents target the right muscles and tissues. Depending on where your back pain is located, the electrodes might be placed on your lower back, upper back, or along the spine.

What to Expect During Interferential Therapy for Back Pain?

During an IFT treatment for back pain, you can expect a simple process. First, your therapist will assess your condition and explain how IFT works. Then, they’ll place electrodes on your skin near the painful area. 

You’ll feel mild electrical pulses as the currents pass through. The session usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Afterward, you might feel some relief and muscle relaxation. The therapist will discuss any follow-up care needed.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

Your therapist is going to evaluate your back pain during the first consultation by asking questions and examining you. Your medical history will be reviewed while discussing symptoms. 

This evaluation helps to understand the reason for the pain and lets them determine if Interferential Therapy for Back Pain is appropriate for you. Then they describe the process of the treatment and some goals are set up for your therapy. 

It is a consultation that ensures the Interferential Therapy for Back Pain treatment plan is modified for the needs and condition of the person

The IFT Session

During an IFT physiotherapy treatment session, the therapist places electrodes on your back where you feel pain. The machine sends mild electrical currents through these electrodes. You might feel a tingling or pulsing sensation as the currents work. 

The session usually lasts between 20 to 30 minutes. The therapist will adjust the settings to match your comfort level. After the session, they’ll remove the electrodes and discuss how you felt and any follow-up steps.

Post-Treatment Care After Interferential Therapy for Back Pain 

After an IFT session, you might experience some muscle relaxation and reduced pain. Your therapist may recommend rest and hydration to help your body recover. They might also suggest specific exercises or stretches to do at home. 

It’s important to follow any advice given to maximise the benefits of the treatment. If you have any unusual symptoms or concerns, contact your therapist for guidance on next steps.

Who Should Avoid Interferential Therapy for Back Pain?

Some people should avoid IFT therapy for back pain. People with pacemakers or other electrical implants should not use IFT due to potential interference to the electric signals. People with skin infections, open wounds, or severe cardiovascular conditions should also avoid it. 

Pregnant women and individuals with specific medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider before starting IFT. Always discuss your health history with your therapist to ensure IFT is safe for you.

Integrating Interferential Therapy for Back Pain

IFT can be combined with physical therapy, medication, or exercise to augment overall results. Combining these treatments targets different parts of the process of pain and recovery. 

For example, IFT is majorly involved in reducing pain and relaxing muscle tightness, whereas physical therapy strengthens muscles and improves mobility. These combined approaches will, therefore, offer a more potent and comprehensive treatment regime for the management of back pain.

Combining Interferential Therapy for Back Pain with Physical Therapy

IFT reduces the pain and tension of muscles, and physical therapy works on strengthening the muscles as well as increasing movements. 

Pain management and restoring physical ability are worked on together. Since IFT relieves the patient from stiffness and pain, it can hence make physical therapy exercises more bearable. 

Interferential Therapy for Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors adjust your spine to improve alignment and reduce pain. IFT complements these adjustments by relaxing muscles and reducing pain through electrical currents. 

This combination helps address both the structural and muscular aspects of back pain. 

Using Interferential Therapy for Back Pain Alongside Medication

Medication helps reduce pain and inflammation, while IFT targets the pain at a deeper level by relaxing muscles and increasing blood flow. Combining these treatments can provide more comprehensive relief. 

IFT helps reduce the need for medication over time by addressing pain at its source. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure that combining these treatments is safe and effective for your specific condition.

Holistic Pain Management Strategies with Interferential Therapy for Back Pain 

These strategies often include therapies like IFT, physical exercises, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication. The goal is to address the pain from multiple angles, improving overall well-being. 

A holistic approach helps manage pain by combining different treatments to reduce discomfort, enhance function, and support overall health. 

Consulting a Healthcare Professional for Optimal Results

Consulting a healthcare professional ensures you get the best results in managing back pain. They assess your condition, recommend appropriate treatments, and create a personalised plan. 

They can guide you on combining therapies like IFT with other treatments for the best outcome. Regular check-ups help track progress and adjust treatments as needed. Getting professional advice ensures that you address your back pain effectively and safely, optimising your recovery and improving your quality of life.

Get Back Pain Relief with Interferential Therapy for Back Pain at Physiotattva

Experience comprehensive back pain relief with IFT at Physiotattva. We offer specialised IFT sessions designed to target your specific pain areas. Our team provides personalised care to address both your pain and overall recovery needs. 

By combining IFT with other treatments, Physiotattva helps you achieve better results and improve your back health. If you’re looking for effective pain management and improved mobility, consider trying IFT at Physiotattva to experience a tailored approach to back pain relief. Book an appointment today!

At Physiotattva physiotherapy clinics in Bangalore and Hyderabad, you receive personalised care tailored to your specific needs, ensuring effective results and comfort throughout your journey to recovery. 

Don’t wait to start your recovery! Get in touch with Physiotattva for more details! Contact us at +91 89510 47001.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does IFT work for back pain relief?
Interferential Therapy for Back Pain uses electrical currents to stimulate nerves and muscles, reducing pain and muscle tension. The currents help increase blood flow and promote healing, easing discomfort and improving movement in the affected area.
What are the frequencies used in Interferential Therapy for Back Pain?
IFT uses different frequencies to target pain at various depths. Lower frequencies reach deeper tissues for chronic pain, while higher frequencies focus on surface pain and quicker relief. Your therapist will select the appropriate frequency based on your condition.
Is Interferential Therapy for Back Pain Safe ?
Yes, IFT is generally safe for treating back pain. It is non-invasive and does not involve medication. However, people with certain conditions like pacemakers or severe skin issues should consult a healthcare provider before starting IFT.
Can IFT be combined with other treatments for back pain?
Yes, Interferential Therapy for Back Pain can be combined with other treatments like physical therapy, medication, or chiropractic care. This combination helps address different aspects of pain and recovery, providing a more comprehensive approach to managing back pain.

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