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Managing Kyphosis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Guide


Kyphosis is a spinal deformity involving an excessive outward curve of the upper back, leading to a rounded appearance. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding the condition, its causes, symptoms, and treatment plans to help you manage it.

Kyphosis: An In-Depth Overview

Kyphosis is a condition of the spine where the upper back curves outward excessively, resulting in a rounded or hunched appearance. It can result from poor posture, degenerative changes, or conditions like Scheuermann's disease. Mild cases might not cause symptoms, but severe kyphosis can lead to pain, stiffness, limited mobility, and even breathing difficulties if it compresses the chest cavity. 

Kyphosis's anatomy involves abnormal thoracic spine curvature, often due to vertebral wedging or degeneration. This disrupts the spinal alignment, leading to an exaggerated outward curve. Changes in vertebral shape and intervertebral discs contribute to the condition's development, potentially causing pain and affecting posture and mobility.

Treatment ranges from exercises, physical therapy, and braces for milder cases to surgical intervention for more severe curvatures. Timely identification and proper treatment are crucial in avoiding complications and promoting optimal spinal well-being.

Types of Kyphosis

There are several types of kyphosis. Some of the most common types that affect people are:

Postural Kyphosis

Postural kyphosis is a non-structural form of spinal curvature that results from poor posture, especially during adolescence. It involves a reversible rounding of the upper back. Unlike structural kyphosis, the spine remains flexible, and the curvature can be corrected with improved posture, exercises, and awareness of body mechanics, helping prevent long-term issues.

Scheuermann's Kyphosis

Scheuermann's kyphosis is a structural kyphosis typically developing during adolescence. It involves wedge-shaped vertebrae, causing an exaggerated outward curve in the upper back. The exact cause is unclear, but genetics and growth factors might contribute. This condition may cause discomfort, rigidity, and alterations in posture.

Congenital Kyphosis

Congenital kyphosis is a rare spinal deformity present at birth. It occurs due to abnormal vertebral development during fetal development. Vertebral defects lead to an excessive outward curve in the upper back. This condition can vary in severity and might require surgical intervention to correct the curvature and prevent potential complications like spinal cord compression or respiratory issues.

Nutritional / Metabolic Kyphosis

Nutritional or metabolic kyphosis is rare and linked to underlying bone health conditions, such as osteomalacia or rickets. These conditions weaken bones, altering their shape and causing spinal curvature. Adequate nutrition, vitamin D, and calcium intake are crucial for preventing such deformities. 

Age-related Kyphosis (Senile Kyphosis)

Age-related kyphosis, or senile kyphosis, develops as the spine naturally changes with aging. It involves a gradual forward curvature of the upper back, often due to vertebral compression fractures and weakening of spinal bones. This condition can lead to stooped posture and reduced mobility.

Post-traumatic Kyphosis

Post-traumatic kyphosis results from spinal injuries like fractures or trauma from accidents, physical abuse, shock, and other forms of external injuries. Damage to vertebrae and supporting structures can cause the spine to curve abnormally, leading to an exaggerated outward curve. 

Understanding the Causes of Kyphosis

Understanding the causes of kyphosis can help manage the condition and avail better treatment options. It can help make informed decisions and access medical care as early as possible. Listed below are some of the causes.

Poor Posture

Poor posture and significantly prolonged slouching or hunching can lead to kyphosis. Incorrect alignment places excessive stress on the upper back, causing vertebral compression and curvature changes. Muscles weaken, ligaments stretch, and bones adapt to the misalignment, contributing to an exaggerated outward curve in the upper spine.


Osteoporosis, a condition causing weakened and brittle bones, is a common cause of kyphosis. Spinal vertebrae become porous and fragile, leading to compression fractures. As weakened vertebrae collapse, the spine's natural curvature changes, resulting in an excessive outward curve. Osteoporosis-related kyphosis can lead to pain, reduced mobility, and breathing difficulties, necessitating early diagnosis, bone health management, and preventive measures.

Abnormally Shaped Vertebrae

Abnormally shaped vertebrae, often due to congenital factors or conditions like Scheuermann's disease, can cause spinal deformities like kyphosis. Wedged or irregularly developed vertebrae lead to curvature changes in the spine, affecting posture and mobility. When necessary, identifying and addressing these structural anomalies through exercises, medical intervention, or surgery can help manage and prevent related deformities.


Spine fractures, often due to trauma or conditions like osteoporosis, can cause kyphosis. Compression fractures occur when weakened vertebrae collapse, altering the spine's alignment and leading to an exaggerated outward curve.

Age-related Changes (Disk Degeneration)

Age-related changes, including intervertebral disc degeneration, contribute to kyphosis. Over time, discs lose water content and height, causing vertebrae to shift and the spine to curve outward. Weak discs and osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures exacerbate this curvature.

Other Medical Conditions

Other medical conditions, like neuromuscular disorders or connective tissue disorders, can cause kyphosis. These conditions weaken muscles and ligaments that support the spine, leading to an abnormal curvature. Neurological issues affecting spinal muscles' control can also contribute.

Identifying the Signs and Symptoms of Kyphosis

Identifying the signs and symptoms of kyphosis can help in medical intervention at an earlier stage. It can also help understand the type of kyphosis, which can be crucial for accurate diagnosis and offer better care. Below are some common signs and symptoms to look out for in kyphosis.

Visible Curvature of the Spine

Visible curvature of the spine, characterized by an exaggerated outward curve in the upper back, is a prominent symptom of kyphosis. This curvature can result in a rounded or hunched appearance, affecting posture and overall spinal alignment. Addressing this visual change and associated pain or discomfort often involves medical evaluation, exercises, and appropriate management strategies.

Back Pain and Stiffness

Back pain and stiffness are common symptoms of kyphosis. The abnormal curvature strains muscles and ligaments, leading to discomfort and reduced spine flexibility. Back pain might range from mild to severe, and stiffness can limit mobility, affecting daily activities.

Fatigue and Reduced Flexibility

Fatigue and reduced flexibility often accompany kyphosis. The altered spine alignment strains muscles and limits the range of motion, leading to fatigue during routine activities. Additionally, the curvature reduces spinal flexibility, affecting movements like bending or twisting.

Uneven Shoulders and Hips

Uneven shoulders and hips are common signs of kyphosis. The abnormal spinal curvature can cause the upper back to round, leading to one shoulder appearing higher than the other. Additionally, the hips might become uneven due to the spine's altered alignment. 

Tight Hamstrings (Back Thigh) Muscles

Tight hamstrings, or the muscles at the back of the thighs, can be associated with kyphosis. The altered spine curvature affects pelvic alignment, leading to muscular imbalances. These imbalances can cause the hamstrings to tighten as they compensate for the spine's changes. Stretching and lengthening the hamstrings through exercises and flexibility routines are essential for relieving discomfort and improving overall spinal health. 

Breathing Difficulties

Breathing difficulties can arise from severe kyphosis, especially if the abnormal curvature compresses the chest cavity. This restriction can limit lung expansion and compromise respiratory function. Shortness of breath, reduced oxygen intake, and increased effort during breathing might occur.

Changes in Gait

Kyphosis can lead to changes in gait and the way you walk. The altered spine alignment affects the body's balance, causing compensatory movements in the hips and pelvis. This can result in an uneven stride or an altered pattern of movement. 

Complications of Kyphosis

Potential complications of kyphosis may consist of persistent pain, diminished quality of life, and psychological distress resulting from changes in appearance. Severe cases might lead to breathing difficulties, limited lung capacity, and increased susceptibility to respiratory infections. Pressure on the spinal cord can result in neurological issues such as weakness, numbness, or even paralysis.

Diagnosing Kyphosis

Diagnosing kyphosis involves a medical evaluation, including physical examination, posture assessment, and medical history review. X-rays and other imaging tests help determine the severity and type of curvature. Measurements like the Cobb angle quantify the curvature degree. If underlying conditions are suspected, additional tests might be necessary. Accurate diagnosis guides appropriate treatment strategies to manage and prevent kyphosis-related complications, whether through exercises, bracing, or surgical intervention.

Treating Kyphosis

Kyphosis can be treated if identified at the right time. Several treatment options aim to reduce the condition's intensity and offer better quality of life. Here are some treatment options for kyphosis

Non-surgical Treatment Options


Bracing is a treatment option for kyphosis, especially during growth. Customized braces support the spine and correct curvature progression. They're worn for several hours daily to realign the spine gradually. Bracing can prevent the worsening of the curvature and promote better spinal alignment, particularly in adolescent cases.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for kyphosis involves exercises to strengthen muscles supporting the spine, improve posture, and enhance flexibility. Therapists tailor programs to the individual's needs, focusing on core strengthening, stretching, and ergonomic education. Regular sessions under professional guidance contribute to managing the condition and promoting spinal health.

Pain Management

Pain management for kyphosis includes over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, and muscle relaxants as prescribed by a healthcare provider. Physical therapy, exercises, and posture improvement also alleviate discomfort. In severe cases, medical interventions like injections or surgery might be considered to address pain and related complications.

Exercise and Strengthening

Exercise and strengthening programs for kyphosis focus on improving core muscles, spinal flexibility, and posture. Activities like stretching, yoga, and resistance training help alleviate muscle imbalances, support the spine and enhance overall spinal health.

Observational Approach (Watchful Waiting)

An observational approach involves monitoring mild kyphosis without immediate treatment. Regular assessments track curvature progression and symptoms. If curvature worsens or symptoms arise, interventions like exercises or braces may be recommended to prevent complications.

Kyphosis Surgery

Kyphosis surgery is considered for severe cases unresponsive to conservative treatments. Procedures involve spinal realignment, often through the fusion of affected vertebrae using implants or bone grafts. Surgery aims to correct curvature, stabilize the spine, relieve pain, and prevent further deformity.

Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is a surgical technique employed to address severe kyphosis. The process requires connecting two or more vertebrae through either bone grafts or implants. Fusion eliminates movement between vertebrae, stabilizing the spine, correcting curvature, and relieving pain. The goal is to achieve better spinal alignment and prevent further deformity progression.


Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are two minimally invasive procedures that are highly effective in treating vertebral compression fractures, often leading to kyphosis. They involve injecting cement-like material into fractured vertebrae to stabilize and reinforce them. These procedures can help alleviate pain, restore vertebral height, and improve spine function in some instances of kyphosis.

Risk Factors for Kyphosis

Some common risk factors for kyphosis are:

  • Age-related degeneration of spinal discs and bones
  • Osteoporosis, weakening bones
  • Congenital conditions affecting spine development
  • Neuromuscular disorders impairing muscle control
  • Trauma or fractures causing vertebral damage
  • Poor posture and habits affecting spine alignment
  • Connective tissue disorders affecting spine stability
  • Family history of spinal deformities
  • Female gender (osteoporosis is more common)
  • Certain medical conditions that affect bone health
  • Lack of physical activity and muscle support for the spine.

When to See A Doctor

If you observe signs of kyphosis such as a noticeable curvature in the spine, ongoing back discomfort, stiffness, asymmetrical shoulders, or alterations in your posture, it is advisable to seek medical advice. Seek medical attention if pain limits daily activities, breathing becomes difficult, or neurological symptoms like weakness or numbness occur. Especially if you're at higher risk due to age, medical history, or family history, prompt evaluation by a healthcare professional ensures accurate diagnosis and appropriate management to prevent complications and optimize spinal health.

Manage Kyphosis with Care & Expertise With Physiotattva

Experience comprehensive kyphosis management with Physiotattva. Our expert team offers personalized care, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques and decades of experience. We prioritize your spinal health from diagnosis to tailored treatment plans, including exercises, therapies, and guidance. Reach out to us today to learn more about managing your condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is kyphosis considered severe?

Kyphosis is considered severe when the spinal curvature exceeds a certain angle (usually 50 degrees or more) and causes significant functional limitations or pain.

Who gets kyphosis?

Kyphosis can affect people of all ages. It's more common in older adults due to age-related changes and osteoporosis.

How does kyphosis increase the risk of Injury?

Kyphosis can compromise spinal stability, weaken muscles, and affect posture, increasing the risk of falls, fractures, and related injuries.

How do doctors treat kyphosis?

Doctors treat kyphosis based on severity. Treatment includes exercises, physical therapy, bracing, pain management, and, in severe cases, surgery.

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