The term "osteoporosis" implies "porous bone". It is a condition where the bone becomes fragile and susceptible to unexpected and sudden fractures. The disease is usually progressive, and you can't feel any pain or discomfort until the bones fracture. There is a considerable decrease in bone strength and mass. The bones comprise living tissue which constantly breaks down and regenerates. This particular condition arises when the creation of new bone cells fails to keep up with the loss of the bone cells.
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bone becomes fragile and susceptible to unexpected and sudden fractures. The condition of osteoporosis can persist in your body for decades without any symptoms at all.
The condition of osteoporosis can persist in your body for decades without any symptoms at all. But there can be occasional symptoms, and you should know about them to identify the probable reason.
The bones of your body are in a constant state of renewal. Old bones break down to make place for the new bones. During the initial years after birth, the bone grows faster than the breakdown of the old bones. As a result, the bone mass increases. But with ageing, the process of destruction will be at the rate of production.
However, how likely you are to develop osteoporosis depends partially on your peak bone mass. The peak bine mass varies considerably with genetic inheritance and ethnic group. When you already have a higher peak bone mass, you will have more bone in storage. Hence, it will be less unlikely to develop the symptoms.
If you are going through the menopause phase or have had to continue the intake of corticosteroids for many months at a stretch, it is essential to consult the doctor. Don't waste more time and visit the doctor when you feel that maximum symptoms are showing up or your parents had hip fractures.
There are various reasons that can directly or indirectly contribute to triggering osteoporosis in your body. However, some factors increase the likelihood that you will develop the condition soon. The unchangeable factors include:
Hormonal imbalance can also be a major causative factor of osteoporosis.
You can control some factors which can lower the risk. For instance:
As the condition is untreatable, you can only minimize the degeneration and discomfort by the prevention of the condition. The following prevention plans will help you to maintain the optimal health of bones.
Lifestyle Changes:
Treatments for established osteoporosis cases include:
Many people with osteoporosis often don't realize that they have a condition. So it is very common to develop other health issues. Spine fractures are common. A series of such vertebral fractures can eventually cause compression of the spine., you tend to lose height and can lead to a condition called kyphosis.
Maximum osteoporosis fractures involve the hips. Such fractures can be debilitating and dangerous. You can develop further complications too. As it is a painful condition, you have to prepare for bearing the pain the entire life mentally. Of course, you may be in a state of depression. But you must exercise and lead a normal life to stay happy.