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11 Do's and Don'ts for Managing Knee Pain

Effective Strategies for Managing Knee Pain: 11 Dos and Don'ts 

Knee pain is common and caused by a variety of factors. While some types of knee pain are temporary and are alleviated with rest and care, others may lead to further complications, especially when left unaddressed. Thus, when you are coping with knee joint pain, remember that there are specific steps you can take and certain things you can avoid to help not just manage knee pain but achieve total knee pain relief. This blog looks at ten dos and don'ts while managing knee pain. 

11 Do's and Don'ts for Managing Knee Pain

​Knee pain is one of the most common complaints among adults and can be caused by various factors. Here are 10 dos and don'ts for managing knee pain:

Do: Exercise Regularly 

Why exercise when you are in pain? Resting for too long with an injury often causes muscle weakness and stiffness. With the help of a healthcare professional, you can perform specific, low-impact stretching and strengthening exercises for a limited period while having knee pain to ensure that your muscle remains strong and flexible to avoid any future complications.  

Don't: Overuse or Push Yourself too Hard.

Knee pain is a common problem that various factors can cause. Overuse or pushing yourself too hard are two of the most common causes of knee pain.

If you overuse your knees or push yourself too hard, you can stress the joint and surrounding tissues too much. This can lead to stiffness, pain, swelling, inflammation, and even injury. It's important to take care of your knees and not overdo it. If you're experiencing knee pain, take a break from any activity that may be causing it. Rest, ice, and elevation can help reduce pain and swelling. If the pain persists, you may need to see a doctor to rule out other underlying causes.

Do: Follow the RICE Method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) 

The RICE method is a common approach that helps reduce knee swelling, especially when caused by an arthritis flare-up. This method involves rest, applying ice on the affected area, wearing a compression bandage, and keeping your knees elevated while sitting or lying down. This is extremely beneficial as it reduces stress on the knee and promotes healing. 

Don't: Stop Taking Medication Abruptly

Knee pain is a common issue with various causes. When taking medication for knee pain, it's crucial not to abruptly stop without consulting a doctor. Abrupt discontinuation can lead to increased pain and potential joint damage.

If medication isn't yielding desired results or causing concerns, discussing alternatives with a healthcare professional is advisable. They can explore different medications or suggest alternative treatments.

Do: Try Different Temperatures for Pain Relief

Applying varying temperatures on the affected area around the knee has proven to be a potent method to relieve pain. In the initial days after the knee injury, when there is increased discomfort and pain, consider applying a cold pack as it helps reduce swelling and eases pain. You could do it 3-4 times daily for a few minutes each. After that, switch it up and apply a hot temperature using a heating pad or warm towel and follow this pattern regularly. 

Don't: Remain in the Same Position for Too Long

We all know how it feels to have achy knee pain. It can make even the simplest daily tasks seem impossible. But did you know that remaining in the same position for too long can cause or worsen knee pain? When you don't move your body around, your muscles can become stiff, and your joints can become painful. That's why getting up and moving around every few hours is important, even if you're taking a short walk.

Do: Wear Supportive Footwear  

Footwear worn out, torn, or doesn't fit properly significantly creates distress around joints all over the foot and the leg. Thus, remember to upgrade your footwear to ones that support your feet better and have soft, cushioned insoles, as it prevents fall risk and provides comfort and stability. It also helps with shock absorption while running or sports. 

Don't: Ignore Knee Pain

Ignoring knee pain can have serious consequences. It's important not to dismiss or overlook any discomfort or pain in your knees. Ignoring knee pain can lead to further damage, worsening the underlying condition, and potential complications. It is crucial to seek medical attention and a proper diagnosis to identify the cause of the pain and receive appropriate treatment. Taking proactive steps to address knee pain can help prevent long-term issues and ensure optimal knee health.

Remember, listening to your body and addressing knee pain promptly is essential for overall well-being and maintaining an active lifestyle.

Do: Use a Walking Aid 

You may think that you can push through the pain and ease off it over time, but if you perform strenuous activities with knee pain, the condition can worsen and create complications. Thus, consider using a walking aid like crutches or canes, as it helps you take the pressure off your knee and provide stability. Knee splints and braces are also helpful in achieving recovery with minimal pain. 

Don't: Make Rapid Changes in Activity Level

​If you've ever experienced knee pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Even the simplest tasks can become challenging and painful. If you're dealing with knee pain, it's important to be careful about making any sudden or drastic changes in your activity level. Avoid jumping back into things in full force if you've been inactive for a while. Gradually increase your activity level to give your knees time to adjust. The same goes if you've been particularly active and are now dealing with knee pain. Don't immediately stop all activity, as this can worsen the pain. Instead, cut back gradually and give your knees a chance to recover.

 Consult your doctor to find a balance that minimizes pain while staying active.

Do: Consult with an Expert 

Knee pain causes are common yet diverse. You could get knee pain through minor injuries or posture-based issues, and it can have serious negative consequences on overall health when treated late or left unaddressed. If you are struggling to manage knee joint pain and preventing you from doing everyday activities, consult an expert physiotherapist immediately and work on a knee pain treatment plan.  

Ready to Take Control of Your Pain? Reach Out to Physiotattva

Knee pain is distressing but can be dealt with! By following the right self-care tips and an expert physiotherapist's instructions, you can achieve total recovery and regain normal function. Knee pain treatment is available and accessible at  Physiotattva. If you are struggling with knee pain, don't hesitate to reach out to our physical therapy experts today: +91 89510 47001 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to relieve knee pain?

There is one prescribed way for knee pain relief, but rather a combination of good practices such as physiotherapy exercises, the RICE method, walking aids, and more.  

What not to do during knee pain?

Engaging in excessive rest, neglecting proper warm-up and cool-down routines, and participating in high-impact activities, among other actions, can be detrimental to your recovery from knee pain. 

Can exercise help in managing pain?

Yes, exercise is very effective at creating the stability, flexibility, and strength needed to recover optimally from knee pain and regain normal function immediately.

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